Leveraging mabl API Tests for Load Testing

53% of consumers expect webpages to load in 3 seconds or less and 45% of consumers will leave a slow website with a negative brand impression. Despite its central role in quality, routine performance testing has been out of reach for most software teams due to the cost and complexity of existing solutions.

In this webinar, Dennis and Sarah will explore why traditional approaches aren’t enough to avoid production incidents and ensure a positive customer experience in a high-velocity world. They’ll walk through mabl’s new API load testing solution and how it addresses the challenges of traditional tools. You’ll walk away with an understanding of what modern performance testing looks like, and how to build load tests that leverage your existing functional tests in mabl to ensure the performance of your application.

After watching this recording, you will: 

  • Understand the importance of including performance testing in your QA strategy
  • Learn how to leverage existing API functional tests to build API load tests
  • Hear how to integrate performance tests earlier in development
  • Gain insights into mabl’s performance testing roadmap